About us - www.ilbersodiportacatena.it

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About us

The name of the structure derives from the presence of the so-called Bersò, Moorish style masonry cloister built in the second half of the 19th century, located on the terrace covering the medieval gate Porta Catena, on the Amblingh loggia, a wonderful panoramic walk overlooking the sea
Porta Catena, also known as Porta Santa Maria, is located along the cordon of the Loggia Ambling, on the edge that dominates the square of the vegetable gardens below. The only surviving example of a gate forming part of the city walls.
Externally it has a pointed brick arch which, at the shutters, rests on two stone slabs.
Internally it includes an opening discovered with the other lower arch.
On the left side it has a stone hinge which had a cylindrical recess to accommodate the hinge of the door.
Presumably the construction dates back to a period prior to the renovation of the city walls,
between 1391 and 1439.
This gate is the only one that has not undergone changes related to restorations.
Beyond the door an enchanting spectacle presents itself, a panorama that arouses amazement and wonder among visitors.

CIN : IT069099C1Z6VJ81QU
Telefono: 392 750 8956
E-mail: ilbersodiportacatena@gmail.com

Piazza Santa Chiara, 31 - Vasto (CH)
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